Saturday, June 10th 2023 – FIRST DAY
09:00 - 17:00 Registration of participants
09:00 - 09:30 Opening word
Session I: Acute ischemic stroke in real world practice
09.30-09.50 Reperfusion therapy of acute ischemic stroke in an extendet time window  Belgrade Dejana Jovanović
09.50-10.10 Development of national network for mechanical thrombectomy Zagreb David Ozretić
10.10-10.30 Comparation between high and mid-low income countries Belgrade Ivan Vukašinović
10.30-10.50 Experience KC Ljubljana Ljubljana Zoran Milošević
10.50-11.10 Experience KC Sarajevo Sarajevo Deniz Bulja
11.10-11.40 Coffee break
Session II: Morbidity and mortality in mechanical thrombectomy: Case presentation with discussion
11.40-12.00 Pearls and pitfalls   Toulouse Christophe Cognard
12.00-12.20 Experience KC Vojvodina Novi Sad Nikola Boban
12.20-12.40 Complications in Thrombectomy for acute Stroke Thessaloniki Stephanos Finitsis
12.40-13.00 Experience KBC Sestre Milosrdnice Zagreb Vladimir Kalousek
Marina Roje Bedekovic
13.00-14.20 MoMo (Italy) meets BSF Milano Eduardo Boccardi
Milano Luca Valvassori
Udine Vladimir Gavrilović
Parma Roberto Menozzi
14.20-15.20 Lunch
Session III: What is new in stroke treatment
15.20-15.40 First pass effect  Barcelona Marc Ribo
15.40-16.00 Intercranial dissection Istanbul Naci Kocer
16.00-16.20 DVOs/MeVOs and ICAD: next frontiers in stroke treatment? Basel Marios Psychogios
16.20-16.40 Education and training  Hradec Kralove Antonin Krajina
16.40-17.00 Robotics in endovascular stroke treatment  Martin Kamil Zelenak
17.00-17.20 New devices Bochum Sebastian Fischer
Sunday, June 11th 2023 - SECOND DAY
Session IV: Workflow in my hospital
09.30-09.45 Zagreb Experience  Zagreb Josip Ljevak
09.45-10.00 Experience KC Nis Niš Aleksandra Aracki Trenkić
10.00-10.15 How we can improve   Belgrade Predrag Stanarčević
10.15-10.30 Experience KC Vojvodina Novi Sad Dragan Anđelić
10.30-10:45 Experience KC Kragujevac Kragujevac Marko Prokić
10.45-11.00 RN Macedonia Experience  Skopje Menka Lazareska
11.00-11.30 Coffee break
Session V: Indication and treatment dilemmas
11.30-11.50 Arteficial Intelligence based central decision supporting system in the Hungarian stroke network Budapest Istvan Szikora
11.50-12.05 Experience St Anna Hospital - Sofia Sofia Nurfet Alioski
12.05-12.20 Experience KC Serbia Belgrade Dragoslav Nestorović
12.20-12.35 Pearls and pitfalls   Kragujevac Snežana Lukić
12.35-12.50 Experience KC Montenegro Podgorica Darko Radinović
12.50-13.05 Treatment of carotid stenosis – Experience KC Banja luka Banja Luka Mile Čučak
13.05-13.20 Experience of Military academy Belgrade Aleksandar Jovanovski
13.20-13.30 Closing remarks 
13:30 - 14:30 Lunch